Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Rat Race of Guinness

I've decided to embark on a journey. This past week has been fabulous because everyone has come back from spring break and there were 3 birthdays! and Mom is coming tomorrow, I cannot wait for her to be here. Basically, that perfectly sets the scene for me to continue my going out journey of least two weeks straight of going out every night. Tonight, Sunday, will be the only challenge because I have to write a paper--but luckily the Hanley Oaks Hotel and Bar is right next door! Won't that be fun...

I've officially booked my plane ticket home for May 15. Now that I officially have a booking for a plane ticket home on May 15-------it's so close! I can't imagine leaving and yet at the same time I really want an American crumb I really can't imagine leaving. If I thought my body could handle it I'd hit the 5pm,6pm,9pm,10pm trad sessions nightly until the Aerlingus Aerbus takes off.

Since it's approaching the end, I have also decided-to hell with it! I will buy the not-sixty-cents-cheese if I want to. In fact, I will buy the good cheese! And I do not have to buy the sale wine or beer for my apartment. In fact, I will buy the 11 euro bottle of shiraz and 750ml of Hoeegarden! Unfortunately I have already noticed the budget crunch. This pattern may not continue for long, but by God I hope so.
My room is vacuumed and dusted for Mom's visit, so I need to go write the paper that's due...until later this week!

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